New urbanism is a trend of urban design rising in 1990's in western countries. Which is base on the rethinking of suburban sprawl in the USA. New urbanism is an idea that grew out of a response to the negative effects of suburban sprawl. It promotes sustainable, livable, healthy communities that provide their residents with a way of life that has nearly been suburbanize in to extinction. The new urbanism principle include 9 aspects:
1. Walkability:
-Most things within a short time walk of home and work
-pedestrian street design ( buildings close to street, tree lined streets)
2. Connectivity :
- High quality pedestrian network and public realm makes walking pleasurable
3. Mixed-use and diversity:
3. Mixed-use and diversity:
- diversity of people (age, cultures and nationalities)
4. Mixed housing:
-different types, size, architectural style housing
5. Quality architecture and urban design:
- beautiful design of buildings
- special placement of civic uses and sites within community
6. Green transportation:
- A network of trains connecting cities, towns and neighborhoods together.
- The street networks accommodate traffic and parking
7. Increased density:
- building more shops, housing and service closer together
8. Sustainability:
- low driving
- less energy waste
- energy efficiency
9. Quality of life:
- well worth living
New Urbanism is best planned at all levels of development, like the single buildings, the urban block, the neighborhood, towns, networks
Also we could say new urbanism are good for residents. new urbanism could supply a higher quality of life. Better places to live and work. More parks and public space for people communities, and more opportunities to get to know others in the neighborhood.